Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Day Storm Closes Cities Across Nation

Around noon yesterday a powerful snowstorm slammed down on Nevada City. Within one hour the storm had dumped over five feet of snow in Downtown. The storm continued to sweep down the nation, dumping record-breaking amounts of snow in the Northeast. At the time of this paper's publication, the storm was stalling over Rensselaer. Meteorologists predict that the storm will gain another wave of strength around noon Tuesday, as another, colder front pushes in from the Gulf.

While major fronts in the north are normal around this time of year, only once on record have eastern and western fronts combined. That was in 1954, a year which saw a record breaking six feet of snow in Rensselaer. the combination of these two current fronts is expected to drop as much as eight feet of snow in Rensselaer. The national government has requested that all residents within the path of the storm say indoors at all times. The government has also requested that people with flights through the path of the storm reschedule them, to avoid becoming stranded at an airport. KNaFCo has decided to offer free rescheduling for flights through all eastern airports.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Brechenlass Joins IDU, IET

The Brechenlass Parliament enacted legislation today that brought the nation into two international organizations that Kedalfax is also a part of: The International Democratic Union (IDU), and the International Extradition Treaty (IET).

The IDU is a group of democratically run nations, most of which are located in the same region as Kedalfax. Brechenlass's reason for joining was a commitment to international development. Brechenlass had been under pressure from the Kedalfaxian government to join since Kedalfax joined earlier this year.

The IET is a treaty signed by over 15 nations that allows for the extradition of fleeing criminals between those nations. The treaty was devised in April of 2006 by Kedalfax's Department of Justice and Department of the Exterior. Kedalfax encourages all members of the Commonwealth to join it.

Brechenlass is also a relative newcomer to the Commonwealth, having joined in 1947 following the Empire's fall after World War II.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

NN Gov. Arrested for Drug, Murder Charges


New Netherlands Governor T.G. "Tiger" Wrigley was arrested today on three counts of murder in the first degree, and over one hundred counts of drug smuggling. Wrigley is accused of having used his power to stop searches of ships containing drugs in Fallietburgh's port. Under New Netherlands law, this is considered drug smuggling. Wrigley is also accused of murdering three Fallietburgh Port Authority Officials, who had attempted to search the ships.

Wrigley denies the charges, and says that he still plans to run for re-election this June.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Department of Gadgetry Created

Kennerwyck - Under new legislation today, the Executive Branch created the Department of Gadgetry. The new Department will absorb the Departments of Communication and Electrical Standards. It will enact the standards set by the Kedalfax International Phone System. KIPS will be dissolved, though nation dialing codes will remain the same.

The Department of Gadgetry plans to change the styling of the electrical outlets used in the nation. The current outlets have caused confusion, due to the symmetrical design, and the similarity of direct and alternate current plugs. The DoG will also standardize connections for various computer-related devices, which had not been standardized due to disputes between the DoC, KIPS, and DoES over which agency was to regulate each specific thing.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

First Female Elected Legislation Majority Leader


The results of the vote are in for the position of Legislation Majority Leader, and there is a surprise this year. The first female in Kedalfax history has been elected to the position of Majority Leader. This means that if the President and Vice President die between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2011, she will become the first female President of Kedalfax.

Abigale Deßinger won the Majority Leader vote with exactly 50% of the vote, with Legislator Elect J.H. Hevezi earning only one less vote. Deßinger said to the Times and Post, "It's really amazing. But then, after a hundred and sixty years, it's about time!"

Deßinger will be sworn into office on January 1st, 2007, along with the other newly elected Legislators. This will be Deßinger's second term as a Legislator.