The Brechenlass Parliament enacted legislation today that brought the nation into two international organizations that Kedalfax is also a part of: The International Democratic Union (IDU), and the International Extradition Treaty (IET).
The IDU is a group of democratically run nations, most of which are located in the same region as Kedalfax. Brechenlass's reason for joining was a commitment to international development. Brechenlass had been under pressure from the Kedalfaxian government to join since Kedalfax joined earlier this year.
The IET is a treaty signed by over 15 nations that allows for the extradition of fleeing criminals between those nations. The treaty was devised in April of 2006 by Kedalfax's Department of Justice and Department of the Exterior. Kedalfax encourages all members of the Commonwealth to join it.
Brechenlass is also a relative newcomer to the Commonwealth, having joined in 1947 following the Empire's fall after World War II.