Friday, July 20, 2007

Kedalfax Leaves UN

In a Legislative vote yesterday, the 79% of legislators passed a non-binding resolution requesting that Kedalfax withdraw from the UN. The reasons cited included a lack of fiscal benefit for Kedalfax, as well as sub-par resolutions. However, Legislator Orlan Sombke (Con., NS) was heard by Times and Post reporters as saying, "Those... gnomes ruin our democratic government." When asked, Legislator Sombke did not offer an explanation. Sombke has since been admitted to Alinson Memorial Mental Hospital, though a large Internet base has protested this, claiming, with claims including, "The UN gnomes are real! Beware the gnomes!" (, "All the Legislators know about the gnomes. They just won't say anything because they'll end up like Sombke" (
President Linnenbach has said that he will comply with the resolution. Linnenbach and his staff declined comment.

On a related note, Simtropolian nation Audland has announced that it will be joining the United Nations, effective "As soon as the paperwork clears." Audland's legislative bodies agreed almost unanimously on the topic.

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