Sunday, April 29, 2007

Giotizia, Brechenlass Are No More

Late Saturday, KNaFCo flight 2036 into Rensselaer International in Giotizia was unable to make contact with the regional air control center. So were ten other flights flying over where all the equipment said should have been Rensselaer International. The flights took emergency landings on nearby Maverick Island.
Somehow, all of the nation of Giotizia disappeared. The armed forces of every Commonwealth nation, as well as some other allies, were sent to attempt recovery missions. Nobody has been found, and nobody can figure out how 5.2 million people can disappear like that.

Meanwhile, just shortly after the armed forces had been deployed, a sudden, quick, and violent struggle erupted in Brechenlass, destroying the government, and leaving an unknown number of people dead. Power and communication infrastructure was knocked out completely. Saturday could be the single deadliest day in Commonwealth history.

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